The 5th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP) 2023

December 21-23, 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Keynote Session

Designs and Optimisation of Linear and Nonlinear Photonic Devices


Prof. B M A Rahman

Life Fellow of IEEE, and Fellow of Optica, and SPIE

Professor of Photonics

City, University of London, UK



B. M. Azizur Rahman received the B.Sc.Eng and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering with distinctions from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1976 and 1979, respectively. He also received two gold medals for being the best undergraduate and graduate students (of all the subject areas) of the university in 1976 and 1979, respectively. In 1979, he was awarded with a Commonwealth Scholarship to study for a PhD degree and in 1982 received his PhD degree in Electronics from University College London. In 1988, he joined City, University of London as a lecturer and became a full professor in July 2000. At City, he leads the Photonics Modelling Group, specialised in the development and use of rigorous and full-vectorial numerical approaches to design, analyse and optimise a wide range of photonic devices. He has supervised 35 students to complete their PhD degrees as their first supervisor He has published more than 650 journal and conference papers, and received more than £13 M in research grants. Prof. Rahman is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, and Fellow of Optical Society of America (Optica) and the SPIE.


With the progress of photonics, novel and exotic waveguides are emerging, such as photonic crystal fibre, hollow-core fibres, photonic crystals, slot-guides, sub-wavelength waveguides, and silicon nanowire. Additionally, availability of low-cost CMOS technology and development of new materials, such as graphene, phase change materials or artificial metamaterials are showing great promise and expected to revolutionize the way we would transmits and process optical signals in the future. As optical technology has reached maturity, the associated devices have themselves become more complex. Additionally, complex light-matter interactions are also being exploited in nonlinear photonic devices and optical sensors. The optimization of such advanced devices requires not only full vectorial approaches but also clear understanding of their modal field profiles, their propagation characteristics and their performance dependence on the device fabrication parameters. Prof. Rahman had developed the first finite element code to analyse optical waveguides and now this method has been established as one of the most powerful and versatile methods. Numerically simulated results for some important linear and nonlinear waveguides and photonic devices, using the full-vectorial finite element-based approaches, will be presented.