“Hybridization in Plasmonic Devices: a path to outperform their Si Counterparts”
Prof. Amr S. Helmy
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Toronto
Amr S. Helmy (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in electronics and telecommunications engineering from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 1993, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in photonic devices and fabrication technologies from the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., in 1995 and 1999, respectively. He is currently a Professor with The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. From 2000 to 2004, he was with Agilent Technologies Photonic Devices, R&D Division, U.K. His research interests include photonic device physics, with emphasis on plasmonics, nonlinear, and quantum photonics. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America.
For integrated optical devices and resonators, realistic utilization of the superior wave-matter interaction offered by plasmonics is typically impeded by Ohmic loss, which increase rapidly with mode volume reduction. Although coupled-mode plasmonic structures have demonstrated effective alleviation of the loss- confinement trade-off, stringent symmetry requirements must be enforced for such reduction to prevail. In this work, we report an asymmetric plasmonic waveguide that is not only capable of guiding subwavelength optical mode with long-range propagation, but is also unrestricted by structural, material, or modal symmetry. In these composite hybrid plasmonic waveguides (CHPWs), the versatility afforded by the coupling dissimilar plasmonic modes allow better fabrication tolerance and provide more degrees of design freedom to simultaneously optimize various device attributes. Specifically, experimental realization of CHPW demonstrates propagation loss and mode area of only 0.03 dB/μm and 0.002 μm 2 respectively, corresponding to the smallest combination amongst long- range plasmonic structures reported to-date. As these waveguide attributes are robust over large process conditions and optical bandwidth, CHPW ring resonator with 2.5 μm radius has been realized with record Purcell factor compared to existing plasmonic and dielectric resonators of similar radii.
Using this platform, record experimental attributes such as normalized Purcell factor approaching 10 4 , 10- dB amplitude modulation extinction ratio with <1 dB insertion loss and fJ-level switching energy, and photodetection sensitivity and internal quantum efficiency of -54 dBm and 6.4 % respectively have been realized within our amorphous-based, CHPW. The ability to support multiple optoelectronic phenomena while providing performance gains over existing plasmonic and dielectric counterparts offers a clear path towards reconfigurable, monolithic plasmonic circuits.
The performance of emerging generations of high-speed, integrated electronic circuits is increasingly dictated by interconnect density and latency as well as by power consumption. In this vein, analysis will be presented demonstrating the possibilities offered by this platform in comparison CMOS interconnect using conventional SERDES and Si photonics.
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